Sunday, May 6, 2012

Country Living, article from March 2007

This article is an article that basically I wrote for free, I recieve only performance pay for this article, so if you don't mind please do click on the link below and leave a comment. Also share the link with your friends, and ask them to also leave a comment. Thanks in advance.

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                              "Advantage's of Living in the Country"

What are some of the advantages of living in the country?

Well if you live out in the country on your own land you have many advantages.

That you may not have if you live in the city. You have more open space, more room to start different sorts of businesses than you would if you lived in the city.

In a city you are limited by your available space, which as a rule will be less than if you lived in the country.

In the country there is the possibility that you could have a farming business (if you have enough land and the ability).

You may even board animals for others, anything from horses to pet dogs. (This would be difficult if not impossible to do in the city).

If you live out in the country you may have more space available for entertaining than you would in a city apartment. If you like to entertain this is a big advantage.

Living in the country can help you o be more self-sufficient. Because you can raise your own foods, you have more space available to have a variety of businesses provided that the type of business you want to do is not something that is affected by zoning laws.

Living in the country can give you more opportunities to be outside either because of working around your home or just because you want to be outside.

Being outside in the fresh air can help you to be able to overcome any depression issues faster than if you are stuck inside. Some people who live in the city may stay inside more because of fear of pollution or crime, or maybe a little of both.

While crimes do happen in the country most people do feel safer walking around their own property than they do walking around a city.

One bad thing about walking around in the country is the lack of good sidewalks and the real danger of stray dogs.

There are advantages and disadvantages of country living same as there are advantages and disadvantages to living in a city.

For many people the peaceful scenery of the country outweigh the benefits to living in the city.

As for some city dwellers the conveniences of having things close by outweigh the benefits of living in the country.

Since there are so many people in the world it is a good thing that not everyone wants to live in the country and not everyone wants to live in the city. If everyone wanted to live in the same place we would have a definite problem.

If I could have my preference I would have a home in the country for relaxing, and I would have a home in the city for when I wanted to be around more people.

Maybe one of these days I will earn enough money to have a home in the city and a home in the country. But for now I am stuck where I am. But thanks to places like associate content I may very well one day be able to afford to live just about anywhere I want to live.

I hope to continue to find things to write about, because this will be my way to get out of debt and stay out of debt.

And writing can be done from anywhere.

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