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"Could a Walking Program Be Your Way to Health?"
"Could a Walking Program Be Your Way to Health?"
Many people today are stressed out because of excess credit card debt, medical debt, school dept, housing costs, and just the ability to make enough money to pay off this debt.
Debt that never seems to end.
Something about stress that doctors and scientists are beginning to learn more about is that excess stress can also cause excess weight problems. In addition to many physical ailments. And can agggrivate many other health problems.
So what can you do to releave some of the excess stress in your life. Other than winning a multimillion dollar lottery?
Well you can number one live within your means. Don't spend more than you make. If you already have then stop doing that, and start working on a repayment plan to get out of debt.
Next start doing somethings for your health. Like taking a daily walk. Aim for a half mile a day for a couple of weeks. Gradually as you get used to going for a daily walk add a little more distance.
Also find a walking partner, even if it is just the family dog to start out. Tell someone where you are going and how long you expect to be gone. Do this for safety reasons.
Then lace up your walking shoes and go walking. Getting out in the fresh air will help stimulate and refresh your mind. Help improve your circulation,and over time help you to loose any excess weight.
People who execise regularly even if it is just daily walking do not as a general rule over eat as often or need as much medical care. So your daily walk may more than just improve your health it may actually help improve your finances.
It is never to late to start a walking program, or to work on improving your life in general.
A walking program is a good place for many people to start because it is not as stressful on your body as more intense exercises, such as running or martial arts.
After you have been on your walking program for a while it would be benifical for your health to add more exercises, such as water aerobics or swimming.
Studies have been showing that exercises done in water such as water areobics are easier on joints than exercises not done in water. The water acts as a cushion.
It is my personal opinion that for most overweight people if they have their doctors approval then they can start with a walking program. Which can help that person to gradually get into shape.
Reducing lifetime medical costs, and even help the person to reach financial goals because that they will have seen themselves reach a major health goal.
Even at the elementary school level a daily walk should be encouraged, it could help the students to focus on their school work better, release excess energy, and help prevent obesity in children.
Walking can be a better way to health both physically and emotionally, and in my opinion even financially.
Because walking can prevent some health related problems that can be expensive to treat. Also if most walking is done outside in the sunshine that can help to improve someones emotional health as well. Which can reduce dependancy on drugs used for depression.
Walking could be a life saviour to many people for many different reasons. So find yourself a safe place to walk and a walking partner or two and try to go walking at least once a day.
Your daily walk may help you to feel better every day, and help you cope with aging better than any pill ever could.
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