This is another non-exclusive article, for which I was paid three dollars and six cents upfront.
This article is about vacations, I may have been wanting to take a vacation when I wrote this. I don't really remember, I do remember I was sick with the flu or something around this time.
The full title of this article is
"Vacations and Why You Need One"
As with all the article's I'm posting here is a direct link to the article.
And now the article, as this was a non-exclusive article.
"Vacations and Why You Need One"
You want a vacation or do you need a vacation?
Well let's see why do you think you need a vacation? Could it possibly be because you really do not like your job and you are bored?
Or you really love your job, but you want to take a break and get some fresh ideas that you can use on your job?
Or maybe it is a little of both, you are tired of getting up to go to work everyday, and seeing the same people day in and day out. Doing the same job over and over again, perhaps you know your job so well you could do it in your sleep.
Well maybe it is time for a break. Or maybe you just need a new job, something that is more stimulating, that requires you to think.
You really don't believe you are using your brain to the best of your ability when you are confined all day every day, when you spend many hours away from home. And come home grouchy, you give your best days, weeks, years and hours to your job, your family especially your kids and wife just get the leftovers.
About the time you figure this out your teens are getting ready to go out into the world and really do not respect your opinion on life in general.
All your kids know is you have spent your life at work. And they have heard your complaints about them and bills and they may now have given up on you ever having time for them, so they have sought out new friends hopefully they have not sought out gangs.
And hopefully they will have a few hours to spend with you at some point, well if not today, maybe another day.
You are ready for a vacation, yet your kids and wife have other plans they have already established their days and nights based on your schedule and old habits die hard.
You don't need a vacation you need a new focus, you need to start focusing on your family, maybe a business the whole family could do.
Something, before it is too late, you need to spend time with your family, you need get to know your family as well as you know your co workers.
I mean you can look at a co worker you see everyday and know if they are feeling sick or happy or if they need someone to talk to so why not with your own kids???
Well maybe it is because you married your job and left out your family.
You need a new set of priorities.
Not a vacation, when you spend more time at work and know your co workers better than your kids and wife something is drastically wrong.... You don't need a vacation.
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