Friday, May 11, 2012

How I Didn't Celebrate Easter Today, a poem from 2009

How I Didn't Celebrate Easter Today

I learned a new word today.
It is very hard to say.
Take a look at it and see if you agree-
-floccinaucinihilipilification, it is, now you see.
It's meaning isn't so big, and fits with my mood today.
Thinking of so many spending money on Easter candy and Easter toys, this day.

I have found a new word that describes what all of these things will be,
-Floccinaucinihilipilification, or if you'd like it in plain English instead

- The act or habit of describing or regarding something as worthless.-

So many new Easter toys soon to be broken, and discarded,
Candy and sweets to the waist lines soon to be hard to disregard.

This Easter morning, it is for me the same as any other Sunday.
Soon the van will be here, we'll be going to listen to what the pastor has to say.

Today, we'll be a dieting, as money is short, and groceries are lean.
But today before the bus comes, I have had a little fun with etymology.

Likely and Easter party will not be today.
Hiding Easter Eggs, it would cause a great dismay.

The animals you know would find them all.
Painting Easter Bunnies, you know it is not for all.

We'll wait until Tuesday, then we'll shop for some Easter Candy.
Won't that be just dandy?

Pusillanimously, just another word. I have learned today.
It is why the diet we'll forget, because the Easter Candy will be on sale, in a day.

Etymology, could be so much more fun, on this Easter morning.
If the words I could learn to say. Maybe I should instead learn to sing.

Easter today, I did not celebrate in the traditional way.
No candy to be seen, no special dinner or party will we have this day.
Easter we'll celebrate a little late, if at all.
And now I must get everyone ready to go, before the driver comes to call...

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