Sunday, May 6, 2012

Martial Arts and Kids an article from March 2007


I was paid 3.02 for this article, at the time I was just thrilled to have gotten paid. I now know that most writers make a lot more than 3 or 4 dollars for an article.

If you will please do click on the link above as it will take you directly to the article, and you can leave me a comment there. Thanks in advance.

This was a non-exclusive article so I will also be posting it below.

                                                        Martial Arts and Kids
                                    Can Martial Arts Improve Your Child's Behavior??

Should you consider martial arts for your child?

If you have a child who is hyperactive I would say yes, because this can be a way for your child to release excess energy.

This can help your child to have better focus in other areas later on. And can even help your child to do better in school.

Martial Arts training can also help your child to have better overall behavior. Because martial arts training requires personal discipline if you plan to do well.

Some added benefits of martial arts is, the self defense training that can help prevent your child from becoming a victim of a crime.

While self defense training will not prevent your child from ever becoming a victim of a crime, this training does make your child look less inviting to a criminal.

Most criminals seek an easy target, and do not want to be delayed by someone who is able to fight back if attacked.

A good martial arts class will teach more than just forms and competition skills. A good class will also teach self defense skills that your child can use, to hopefully make themselves less of a target.

Besides the benefits of being less of a target for a criminal, and helping to burn excess energy so that a child can have better focus, a self-defense class can have health benefits.

Some of the health benefits are better circulation, balance and flexibility.

Also a person who is trained in martial arts is less likely to be over weight, (because of the exercise involved in good training).

A martial arts class can have many life long benefits for your child. Some of the benefits I have already mentioned such as being a more likely to defend themselves against a potential attacker. Also because of their training they are more likely to be able to escape.

Then there are the added benefits of being healthier in general because of better circulation and flexibility.

Martial arts training combined with strength training, swimming and step aerobics can help your child to be fit for life.

Also if your child happens to be one of the many children who have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD these exercise classes and self defense classes can help your child to do better not only with their behavior in general but can help to bring focus to their lives.

Because when excess energy has been burned off thru exercise your child still has the energy left over to concentrate on things like schoolwork.

Exercise can help many things including depression, behavior problems, weight problems and even concentration problems.

Exercise done with proper training can have life long benefits. Providing your child with a variety of fitness classes including martial arts may help your child to live a longer healthier life.

For younger children more physical activity and less bookwork can actually help to improve academic skills later on. The reason being that excess energy is burned instead of bottled up making concentration difficult if not impossible.

Martial Arts has been a major help to my children and has also prevented the need for medication for one of my children. He is very hyperactive. These classes have calmed him down and helped him to focus better. He also went from doing average in his school work to making A's. (I am not saying that martial arts classes will make your child's school grades improve, but I am saying that there is the chance that it could due to your child developing better concentration skills).

I also have one child who has been diagnosed with a form of autism, and I have found that the class he has been taking for the last several months has greatly improved his behavior. While he still has some problems he is doing so much better, that I really believe that these classes are to credit.

If you have children with ADD or ADHD or even with autism consider enrolling them in martial arts classes and see if this also helps your family. As ours has been helped. You may find that thru a class such as martial arts your child's behavior both at school and home improves. You may even find that their school grades or school performance improves.

Also if you take the same classes with your child you may find that your energy levels improve and your own health improves.

With martial arts classes you will find that you start at your own level then work up, people have started martial arts classes at many different ages and gone on to do well.

Doing martial arts can be a very good way to improve your health and your life in general.

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