Sunday, May 6, 2012

About depression, this was written in March of 2007

For this article I was paid five dollars and fifty-nine cents.

Below is a direct link to the article, I hope that some of you will find this article helpful.

               "How Writing for Associate Content Has Helped Me With Depression"

Writing for AC. Why do I think this has been good for me personally? Well for a couple of reasons.

I have suffered from severe depression for many years. Then due to an injury I received at the last place I worked a little over 12 years ago now, I have not worked outside the home. I have also not received any form of disability.

I have basically stayed at home, Homeschooling our five children. And doing the daily chores you find around your home.

Nothing that even seems remotely interesting, with the exception of our children of course, they are always interesting.

But what I mean is I have not really felt like I was able to help my husband to pay the bills we have. And to me this has been depressing.

So a couple years ago, I started making things to sell (I have made a variety of things mostly crochet items) but my sales have been few and far between and really I have not made very much money at all.

Then with our children getting older and expenses rising every day it feels like. Life can just get to be a little depressing.

But then one day as I was looking online for things I could do for pay, I found out about Associate Content and found out that they would basically pay me to write articles (or to just talk about things I find interesting.

This has been to me a way not only to make money but also to relieve some stress. So in a way Associate Content has helped me to overcome the depression that I have had for many years.
Associate Content has helped me feel like that I can be a writer. Something I have always wanted to do.

I even used to write stories just for fun when I first started school many years ago.

Now I feel like I am doing something that I have always wanted to do.

So for me Associate Content is something that I really hope stays around for a very long time, and I hope that by writing more my writing will improve.

So maybe one of these days I can write for more money. But for now I am content to write for what I can make.

To me this site has been a real life saver, even though I have heard some people say things that were negative about this site.

I personally choose to ignore them. Because at least this site is giving many people such as myself a way to get started with a writing career that they may have given up on.

Until now that is. Associate Content is helping many people to do what they really want to do, which is to write for pay.

So I wanted to take a quick minute to say thanks. And I am forever grateful to the person on the prairehomemaker message board I go on that told me along with a lot of others about this site.

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