Sunday, May 6, 2012

More about losing weight, from 2007

This article I wrote mostly for free, it is an article that is only paid for performance, or pageviews.
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                              "Cancers: More Reasons to Lose Excess Weight"

Should you be worried more about cancer today than your parents or grandparents were at your age?

I mean it seems nearly every day or so there is something on the news about some kind of cancer.

This week alone I have heard about lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and bone cancer.

Going to the doctor did not ease my mind about cancers. Because it was there at the doctor's office that I learned I was at risk for uterine cancer, and thyroid cancer.

With all of the worries we have in life today, seems like cancer should be one of the last things on our minds.

But sadly it is not, while many cancers are treatable and even curable if caught early. Many people do not want to even think about cancer, and even with known risk factors will avoid going to the doctor, because of fear of being diagnosed with cancer.

But really this is not such a good idea.

It would be much better to go to the doctor and be checked so that if you do have cancer you can get treatment earlier rather than later so you can hopefully get cured sooner.

It is my personal opinion, not backed up by facts by the way. But it is my opinion all the same, that many of the cancers that people are being diagnosed with now are not really all that more common. But instead are found sooner because of better diagnostic tools.

I also personally believe that many people are living longer after a cancer diagnoses because of better treatment and because medical knowledge has improved over the years.

Also some things that are parents and grandparents did that could lead to cancer, fewer people are doing.Which means that some people are not getting cancers associated with poor habbits.

Also many people are becoming more interested in their health. And working towards eating better, which is good.

But if you are really worried about cancers have you thought of some ways you can prevent getting cancer in the first place?

If you have not maybe you should.

Because while cancer treatments have improved and more people are surviving cancer than ever before, preventing cancer or at least reducing your risk factors is something everyone should want to do.

Most people know that certain things increase your risks for some types of cancer, things like smoking or chewing tobacco can lead to a variety of cancers, even hanging out with someone who smokes can increase your risks for developing cancer because of breathing the second hand smoke.

But did you also know that if you are overweight you are at risk for certain types of cancers?

If you are overweight this alone should be another piece of knowledge that will make you want to get down to a healthy weight.

If you do not have any idea of what to try to loose excess weight, and are afraid of hurting yourself because you already have other health problems. You need to see your doctor and a nutritionist so you can work out a weight loss plan.

Something I am doing for myself that is working is using prepackaged dinners and diet shakes.
Specifically I am using one slim fast diet shake for breakfast, then for lunch I eat a large salad, (just lettuce and tomato) then for supper I have one South Beach dinner. (I have the South Beach dinners because these have a very good taste to me and the calories are written on the outside of the box in big letters so I can see how many calories are in the box to start with).

So far using this diet plan, and going walking a few times a week, I have lost a little over twenty pounds since the first of this year.

While this is no where near what I need to loose as I am loosing this weight I am also reducing my personal risks for some types of cancer, and as I continue to loose weight I will also reduce my risks of other diseases.

All of which is a good idea.

While you may not have a weight problem, that puts you at risk for various cancers, you may have other risk factors.

Such as family history, or even multiple sex partners at some point in your life.

(The more people you have had sex with the more likely you are to come into contact with someone who can give you the virus that has been shown to cause cervical cancer)

While there is a new vaccine out that is supposed to help prevent cervical cancer it is also not guaranteed.

There are many things that you can do to lower your own personal risk for developing cancer, but there is no real guarantee that you will never get a cancer of some kind.

I do not believe there is really more cancers. But I do believe that because we have better medical technology many cancers that would not have been found until advanced stages are now found at earlier more treatable stages.

So while it may seem like different cancers are in the news more it is also very likely it is because people are more aware of the symptoms of various cancers that more people who develop cancer are surviving, because people are seeking treatment sooner.

This is another very good reason to go to the doctor sooner rather than later.

So if you have not yet scheduled your yearly check up, now is the time to do so because if you do happen to have cancer the sooner it is found and treated the sooner you can get on with your life.

Also if you are diagnosed with cancer, instead of thinking of this as the most horrible time of your life, think of this as a second chance.

This can be your reminder to tell your loved ones that you love them, your reminder to not take life for granted.

This can be a reminder to you to be thankful for the little things, that you may not have taken time to even notice before.

While a cancer diagnoses is not something that is ever wanted it can be the catalyst in your life that helps you to get healthy.

And it is much easier today to get healthy after a cancer diagnoses than it was even twenty years ago, because technology has improved. And there is more information available to everyone about how to prevent cancer.

Loosing weight can be very hard, but when you know that it is not just heart problems and diabetes but even cancers, that excess weight can contribute too, it can make loosing the excess weight a higher priority.

Using prepackaged meals can help you to learn what equals a serving size. Which can help to make it easier for you to loose excess weight?

And that is what I like about the South Beach dinners, and even the Healthy Choice meals. And the slim fast drinks.

To me this can be a health way for someone to loose weight that has been having a lot of difficulties loosing weight.

These meals combined with a daily walk can help to make the weight loss nearly effortless.

At the same time reducing a persons risk factors for many diseases including reducing risk factors for cancer.

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